
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

For a change of pace, I thought I would showcase the work of my knitting friends! Sue & Carriellen both made sweaters for Miss Tali, and they are simply too cute not to share.

This is Carriellen's:

She can probably chime in with the pattern details etc... all I know is that it's too cute & I'm so excited for Tali to wear it this winter!

And here is the sweater from Sue "I don't need a gauge swatch" Kent-- a tad large for Tali, so it is being modeled (Jay-- modelled?) by our friend Katie, who is turning 2 perhaps today.

I know it's a Lion Brand pattern-- Sue can you give the rest of the details? It is absolutely adorable, and I am planning to use it as a jacket-type sweater for Tali next winter (ack! will my kid get that big?) so that she can wear it all the time!

I might have to make a sweater for Tali as well.

AND, in office-related excitement, we had a new doctor start today! She is going to work only a day a week for now, and will hopefully be on board as a part-time associate this spring! The best part? She's pregnant, and I can knit something for her baby too!

Gotta get clicking...


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