
Thursday, June 21, 2007

I seem to have become a Thursday blogger-- maybe because I'm working Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, and crazy with Sam and Tali on weekends. Hmmph. When did that happen?

Not too much knitting-- Miss Tali has not been sleeping very well, and I've been exhausted.

I do have a few things to show off, though.

First: 2 excellent children

Sam is the exuberent one in the middle. He had preschool graduation yesterday-- he didn't graduate, but he performed, and I must say he stole the show as "the strawberry" in the Very Hungry Caterpillar story. He also had parent/camper orientation at camp-- we were both VERY nervous about this, and it went incredibly well! BIG relief for this mommy.

Tali had her 6-month checkup today (a few weeks late)-- she weighs almost 15 pounds, and is around the 30th percentile for height and weight. She was a trooper with the shots and everything, and was fairly happy all day.

Secondly: A little knitting progress-- I started the 2nd twinnie sweater, and anticipate some quick progress on this one.

Why yes, jw, that IS the re-gifted poop-stone stitch marker. Thanks!

And thirdly, some baking! Sam is "Shabbat Abba" at school tomorrow, and since it's the last day, I was instructed to bring junk food. Sam & Jay & I made these:

Teddy grahams swimming in the pool cupcakes! Aren't they cute? Carriellen, I have to tell you, your husband is SUCH a good sport.

I bought the supplies at Michaels... and felt compelled to buy one additional item...

Shut up, Stacie!


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