
Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Slow progress...

I'm about halfway through the head. I still don't like it. I will acknowledge that this is really a cute & clever pattern-- I might have to make a smaller version on normal-sized needles, with yarn I like the feel of. For now, I'm anxious for this one to be done.

Sue & I registered for classes at Stitches East-- I'm really looking forward to going! I'm want to work on as many of my unfinished projects and waiting-for-needles projects as I can before then, so that I can buy stuff & start new things guilt-free.

Today's our anniverary... we're celebrating by going to work, and then doing nothing. We had tentative out-to-dinner plans, but our babysitter cancelled... so maybe we'll go out to the diner, or for a BK Veggie or something equally baby-friendly. We're REALLY looking forward to our trip to Las Vegas next week!


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