
Friday, June 18, 2004

I didn't really think much about it until today-- but the bond that knitters have and the emotions that people associate with knitting is really amazing.

I knew I'd be waiting a while at the surgi-center yesterday, so I brought a sock to work on. (I just finished the sock, btw)

Anyway, as soon as I started knitting, people around me looked up to see what I was doing. One or two asked questions about the self-striping yarn. A woman smiled as she told me how her mother, who passed away years ago, used to knit black wool socks for all of her children and grandchildren who were serving as policemen and firemen, so they could have warm socks under their boots. Another woman shared that she and her mother used to crochet blankets for Project Linus, but said she hadn't been able to do them since her mother passed away... but maybe she would.

My intent was to have a way to pass the time, and keep my hands and mind busy during the wait... but my knitting led to me meeting some interesting people, who chose to share bits of themselves with me, because I was a knitter.

Am I reading too much Knit Lit???


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